Monday 27 October 2014

Fact and Fiction Exercise

1 fact 3 Fictitious

In Autumn when the leaves fall off the tree, Laila observes the changes that take place in the leaves. Laila likes to walk in the park. She likes to take in the fresh air and feel the breeze against her skin. Often the carefree laughter of children playing in the background brings a smile to her face. Reminding her that she does have childhood memories full of fun and glee.

3 Facts 1 Fictitious

Observing the sunset in the park is a joy for Laila. She notes the colours that remind her of autumn the sudden lack of light in the clouds as the sun goes down. The stars become clearer as they twinkle in the in the sky. The moon on a good day gives it's dull night light to the world. The tranquility is only disturbed when thoughts of pigs flying come to mind.

About this blog...

This blog is just to showcase what I learn as I try to focus on writing a book. I am currently taking part in Future Learns Writing Fiction Course. It lasts 8 weeks. I have previously tried to do writing courses but have been bored by them. As this one is free I will make use of it. 

If through this my writing progresses I will share such on my main blog. This one will just catalogue what I learn and let me try new skills etc.